i'm using apache-tomcat-6.0.26 that comes with netbeans 6.9 installation bundle . You can run tomcat outside netbeans. When deploy, don't confuse with manager list apache tomcat server service inside netbeans.
To deploy into tomcat, just copy your war to :
To deploy into tomcat, just copy your war to :
or, you can use apache ant script, this's snippet script code at build.xml file for deploy to webapps folder :
<target name="deploy" depends="war">
<echo message=" deploying ${war.dir}/${warfile} to ${deploy.dir}"/>
<copy file="${war.dir}/${warfile}" todir="${deploy.dir}" overwrite="true"/>
<echo message=" deploying ${war.dir}/${warfile} to ${deploy.dir}"/>
<copy file="${war.dir}/${warfile}" todir="${deploy.dir}" overwrite="true"/>
if you use manager list, don't forget to add manager role at :